
Tips for using your wheat

*Just getting our wheat up and out of the buckets from the basement is the first step!
*Find a container that fits in your pantry or cupboard to store some wheat. Commit to use this wheat in one months time.
*If you know that you will more likely use your wheat if it’s already ground up than DO IT! Just take a little time to grind it all up, put in a container and use it up!
*Use your wheat in recipes that your family is already eating.
*First try starting with desserts, they will most likely eat the cookies no matter what kind of flour is used!
*Stop feeling like you have to make everything 100% whole wheat every time you use your wheat. You don’t! Just add a cup here and there in your normal recipes.

A few things to know:

*Whole wheat flour has more substance that regular flour- this is why 100% WW breads are heavier/heartier. Try using a little more yeast or letting your bread rise a little longer to get a fluffier texture.

*Your other recipes where you will substitute WW flour, will need a little extra leavening.
This just means you will add an extra teaspoon of baking powder for every 3 cups of WW flour you use in a recipe.

*If you choose to grind up your wheat for the month, you can preserve the nutrients in your wheat by placing it in a plastic bag and storing it in the fridge or freezer.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Good post and good ideas!